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500 West Canyon Crest

Hours Monday through Thursday:

7:30 AM to 3:30 PM


7:45 AM to 3:15 PM

Each level of Spanish includes five units per year. Each unit includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities.

"I Can" Bubbles





Every unit has between 15-30 "I Can" statements that summarize what the students should be able to do by the end of the unit. These bubbles are the best way to determine how each student will do on the test and as a parent are the best way to quiz students at home in order to see what they understand.

Reading is a key component of learning a second language and it is without a doubt important as a language does not consist solely of the spoken word. There are many benefits to developing excellent reading skills in the target language. Through reading, students gain access to literature written in the target language. This literature shows the students what authentic materials in the target language look like as well as provides them with insight into the cultural beliefs and values. 

Writing is an integral and necessary skill when learning a second language as communication is not only done orally. Writing is necessary if a person is looking to study or work in a particular country. Writing also results in increased practice using the language. Connections can be made between the four key skills in learning a language: reading, writing, listening and speaking. These skills do not exist independently, they are interrelated; improving one will result in improvements in the others. 


Listening comprehension is a key initial step in communication. The better a student can understand what is being said, the better will be their ability to communicate.  In addition, they will be better able to notice the characteristics of the target language which will help improve their language development in all four key skill areas.


The goal of language is communication and the aim of speaking in a language context is to promote communicative efficiency. Students often value speaking more than the other skills of reading, writing and listening so motivation is not always as big of an issue, but what often happens is students feel more anxiety related to their oral production.  As speaking is interrelated with the other skills, its development results in the development of the others. 

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